Jamez' World

Welcome to my Website!

My name is Jamez, I'm a freelance artist and graphic designer. Thank you for checking out my website!

This website is best viewed on a desktop computer!

Art of Venus by Frightened <3

I am a tech lover. I love space, robotics, and (as you may have guessed) the internet. I have a specific fascination with web 1.0, abandonware, ancient malware, Microsoft, and oldweb aesthetics.

A clipart frog with edited on prison bars. Text 'says graphic design is my prison'

I've wanted to make my own website for a long time, but the new web aesthetic does nothing for me. The sanitized, flat, ad-covered internet is not my thing. Surfing random websites has always been a hobby of mine, as an 00's kid who has had free reign access to the internet since early childhood. I am an avid forum user, serial-archiver, and web explorer. This is the culmination of all of that; I needed my own slice of internet. I hope you who have made it here have a nice time. If you don't, that's okay, this is mostly for me.

NeoCities.org - THE WEB IS YOURS This website is GAY This page is best viewed with a computer and a monitor Anything but Chrome PRO AO3 FREAK Best Viewed with Any Browser This is an anti-NFT site